According to Drs. Foster and Smith, notable purveyors of quality merchandise for pets and probably veterinarians, the proper technique for tick removal is as follows: Take a fine pair of tweezers, and gently but firmly grasp the tick just where the mouth parts enter the skin. Pull slowly and gently away from the skin. It may take some time, but the tick will eventually release. Dunk the tick into alcohol (preferably rubbing, although I'd guess that vodka would work equally well),
unless you need to send the tick away for identification or analysis. I'm not sure what you do in that case, probably just seal it in a jar or something, because we didn't really care. Especially after the third or fourth tick we pulled off of the dog. Blecch.
If you need to save it for id, you are supposed to freeze it. This according to a talk I heard by a mathematical tick researcher. She says people *really* avoid her at parties.
ReplyDeleteShe researches mathematical ticks? How specialized can you get?!
DeleteAs long as someone will pay for it!