In the musical genre of salsa, there is a basic rhythmic device known as the clave. There are two versions of it, neither one of which I can easily relate in a text-based format. However, the "son clave" has proven to be sufficiently pervasive that it has appeared in many other genres, from jazz to funk to R&B to straight up pop. In fact, in some circles the same basic rhythm was known as the "Bo Diddley beat."
For example-- in the song I Want Candy, (which can be seen at as performed by The Strangeloves), the percussion is a son clave. Three even beats, followed by two quicker ones.
The bass line of Born to Hand Jive (as seen in the movie Grease) is almost a son clave.
There's also a rumba clave, which is very similar except that the third beat is delayed by a half. I have no other way of describing it in words, but if you search for it on YouTube you'll find plenty of examples.
and if you automate it, you get an autoclave?