Dinner tonight was a simplified fish taco, which called for the traditional small corn tortillas. The package had two sets of instructions for heating, to wit: 1) toast on a hot griddle for 20-30 seconds per side, or 2) microwave in a damp towel. Being lazy (and the cast iron pan being unavailable), we nuked 'em1.
When we bit into the tacos, the corn tortillas promptly split apart and started creating a largish mess. This was a source of some surprise and no small disappointment, but we ate them anyway, for we were hungry.
After, I was not quite full, and there were plenty of leftovers, so I figured I'd try a little experiment. I cleaned the cast iron pan, and heated another tortilla according to the other method. And boy howdy, did it make a difference. The tortilla was warm and soft, but not vaguely damp like the microwaved one was, and held its structural integrity with a great deal more ease.
So take it from me-- not all heating instructions are created equal. If you don't have a flat hot surface, a toaster oven probably would work. But whatever you do, don't microwave the tortillas2.
1It was the only way to be sure.
2Unknown whether this rule holds for flour tortillas as well.
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