It turns out that there may actually be some official uncertainty about that very subject. According to the Daily Mail (not always the most reliable source, but there you go):
"The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales said firmly on Monday that the Papal name of Benedict will be dropped and the Pope will resume his old name of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. However, yesterday a Vatican spokesman said that he would actually keep the name Benedict and added that his title might be ‘Emeritus Bishop of Rome’ – in other words, a second Pope. Padre Federico Lombardi [Vatican spokesman] said of Benedict’s new title: ‘His name will remain Benedict XVI. This remains for life, until he dies. It will be interesting to see how we address him, how he will be called.’"
There is precedent-- the last Pope to resign was Gregory XII, and he apparently kept the name Gregory until his death. So if Ratzinger decides to stay Benedict, there will be some justification.
Meanwhile, he'll be living in an apartment block/monastery inside the Vatican grounds (as soon as it's finished being renovated). Hopefully, he'll keep the partying to a minimum.
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