Monday, July 29, 2013

The Artist

The musical artist formerly known as The Artist Formerly Known as Prince (who I believe has returned to simply calling himself Prince) is actually named Prince.  His father, one John L. Nelson, was a jazz pianist who went by the stage name of "Prince Rogers" (leader of the Prince Rogers Trio), and gave that name to his son as some sort of blah blah "he will surpass me" blah1.  Prince, despite the built-in nickname, apparently went by "Skippy" during his childhood2.

Sources :
  • 1Hahn, Alex (2004). Possessed: The Rise And Fall Of Prince. (supposedly)
  • 2Gulla, Bob (2008). Icons of R&B and Soul: An Encyclopedia of the Artists who Revolutionized Rhythm. (also supposedly.  Both sources are quoted online, but I haven't seen them myself).


  1. Wasn't there a period when he was known as The Glyph?

    1. Officially (although retroactively) titled "Love Symbol #2", apparently. It didn't take, and he started using "Prince" again when he switched record labels, or something along those lines.
