Most people realize that Pringles brand potato crisps (not chips) are fairly artificial. After all, it's hard to find potatoes that grow in such a regular shape. Although imagine if they did-- they'd look like jelly beans. Huge, potato-y jelly beans.
And now I want jelly beans. Sigh.
Anyway, it turns out that the shape is not just a marketing decision, to make them look like duck lips when you eat them in pairs. Proctor and Gamble (former owners of the Pringles brand) studied the shape very carefully, even going so far as to run the
chips (sorry,
crisps) through a wind tunnel-- at least virtually. The digital models of the airflow allowed the company to redesign their production line to move the crisps through even faster, while keeping them from achieving full lift and taking off like little airfoils, something that would undoubtedly interfere with the manufacturing process.
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