Long time no read!
So, stuff. First, administrivia. I've been kinda busy lately, what with dog and work and life and broken refrigerators and, well, stuff. This blog isn't dead-- I have several partial posts backed up. But they may come rather sporadically for a few more weeks.
Next-- Exercise! Penn Jillette, on his podcast (Penn's Sunday School), was talking a couple weeks ago about the "7 minute workout" that's the latest fad. And he was saying how, you know, he's always felt that he'd exercise if he somehow could only do it in less than 10 minutes. And so he tried it, because he said he would, after all, and then gave up in horror because it was Teh Hard.
But he's a big fat guy, right, and I'm at least vaguely in shape. Maybe I can do it! I downloaded one of the free apps to help you through it, and tried it on Sunday. And here's a useful tip--
When they say 7 minutes? That's true-- you're only exercising for about that long, depending on variations. But that doesn't include setup (minimal, actually), or stretching, or convincing the dog to leave me alone for 7 goddam minutes, or the hour or so I spent after my first session sitting on the floor waiting to die. Seriously, this is a ROUGH routine. At least at first. Allot a bit of extra time.
I've done it a few mornings, now, before my shower. My legs are killing me, but I'm mostly still making it through (tomorrow may or may not happen, because ow). We'll see 1) if I can keep it up, and 2) if it actually does me any good.
Oh, and I promised you milkshakes! So-- boil sugar in white wine to make a syrup. Add a cup of chopped fresh basil. Steep, strain, cool-- you now have basil syrup. Cut the kernels off of 2 ears of fresh corn. Simmer gently in a little water (or, if you're more like me, accidentally burn) for about 5 minutes. Combine corn, 6 Tbsp syrup, and 8 scoops of good vanilla ice cream in blender, scraping sides as needed. Voila-- sweet corn and basil milkshake. Quite good, really.
ETA: Oh, and milkshake recipe is courtesy of Adam Ried's
Thoroughly Modern Milkshakes.