First, that all the surviving relatives and anyone else with the same last name wanted to distance themselves from Adolf strongly enough to change their names, or else subsequently found that it was hard to get a date when you had to introduce yourself as, "Hi, I'm Hitlernowaitcomeback...damn." Either of which (or a combination of the two) would inevitably lead to a phone book completely devoid of Hitlers.
Or, second, that there were a bunch of Germans of no real relation that said to themselves, "Why should we change our name what has been in our family for lo these many generations and is an important part of our identity?" Which would frankly be perfectly defensible, and kudos to those hypothetical people, who would subsequently fill the German phone directories with a statistically likely sampling of Hitlers.
However, it seems there's a third option. If we go to Das Telefonbuch, we find... one guy. I'm not going to put his name here, because he's either some poor random schmuck who doesn't need the headache, or he's some sort of weirdo who changed his name deliberately, in which case he doesn't need the attention. But it really wasn't what I was expecting, at all.
Some further research shows that the second option really wasn't very likely-- apparently, there were never very many Hitlers. Adolf's father was probably illegitimate, and his (eventual) adopted father's name was Hiedler. When Adolf's father was legitimized at the age of 39 (as part of a career move), he took the name for himself, but somewhere along the line the bureaucracy recorded the name as "Hitler" instead. So the name only went back one generation, and the small number of siblings/cousins appear to have mostly changed their names, left the country, died childless, or some combination of the above.
Somewhere I heard a story of a girl (American, I think) who grew up learning to say her last name as "Hittler-two-t's-no-relation".