Friday, December 16, 2011

Daisy Roll

This is one I ran into in the meat section of our friendly neighborhood megasuperepicmarket.

Its label proclaimed it to the world to be a Smoked Daisy Roll (Pork Shoulder Butt) ((water added)).  Its ingredients featured: water, sugar, salt, sodium phosphate, sodium acetate, flavorings (spice extractives [extractives? -Ed], lemon extract and grapefruit extract), sodium erythorbate, and sodium nitrite.

A little Googling, and I learn that the Daisy Ham or Daisy Roll is a New England thing.  Apparently, an employee at the ham manufactury at Boston's Famous Faneuil Hall decided that the cross section of their boneless picnic ham roll "looked like a daisy."  Presumably the ham in question had suffered minimal processing, simply being deboned and rolled up, and possible compressed.  Very popular in the 70s, it has faded somewhat from the culinary scene, but, like many similar items, still lurks in the depths of the local supermarket, ready to spring upon the unwary, and... um, be eaten, I guess.

It appears to have many names, including "boneless picnic ham," "cottage roll," "shoulder ham," and "New England Boiled Dinner."

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