Thursday, November 24, 2011

A quick Thanksgiving post

Turkeys, when you buy them in the store, tend to be about 5 months old and 15 to 20 pounds.  This will feed a family of 6 or so, depending on how much you like leftovers.  It is not, however, the natural adult age and weight of a turkey.

If you continue to feed and care for a bred turkey, it will continue to put on weight and size.  And if you keep going, a turkey will live for about 10 years, and eventually top 80 pounds-- the largest tom on record, according to the Guinness Book of Irrelevant World Records, was auctioned off for charity in 1989 at 86 pounds.  Actually, double-checking the link, I can't find anything about it on Guinness's actual website, but their interface is a little dubious, so it may be buried in there somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that the Presidential turkeys (I'm not referring to his Cabinet members) weighed about 45 pounds.
