I return from an unexpected hiatus with a completely banal food post! Oh well.
So my wife came home the other day with a traditional Spanish cookbook (that is, a cookbook of traditional Spanish recipes, not a cookbook written in traditional Spanish). Most of the recipes were either not especially surprising (patatas bravas, paellas, etc) or impractical for the typical American cook (jugged hare, partridge pâté). However, one recipe caught my eye, and I just
had to try it out. The name was Tortilla de Dátiles-- Date Omelet. It gets weirder than that, though.
Basically-- 2 eggs, a couple of chopped dates, a bit of chopped ham, and 4 medium shrimp, sauteed(!). Lots of butter. Mix ingredients in the egg and then dump everything into the pan, cook, fold and plate (or plate and fold if that's easier). Top with a spoonful of tomato sauce.
Definitely peculiar, but oddly compelling, too. I may actually make it again, although I may try the alternate "cook the eggs by themselves and then fill" technique. It was also extremely full, so I might try 3 eggs for a slightly larger portion but with better balance.